Classifying Virus Strain Using a Machine Learning Model Based on Subcellular Localization Data


  • Muhammad Izzat Kamaruddin Faculty of Computing Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Rohayanti Hassan Faculty of Computing Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Nabil Rayhan Faculty of Computing Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Muhammad Luqman Mohd-Shafie Faculty of Computing Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia



mRNA, Subcellular, Localization, Machine Learning


The topic of mRNA subcellular localization is very useful for further study. And one of the most significant reasons to study deep into this topic is to study mRNA functions. The location of the particular mRNA is very important, as well as its function. Localization of mRNA can be used for a variety of reasons. Therefore, several tools were developed to predict mRNA localization. Due to the various importance and functions of subcellular localization, further studies and research have been given significant attention by the researchers. Among all of the tools developed, some notable differences between those existing machine learning models are the methods implemented within the models. These methods give huge impacts on the outcomes of the prediction model. In this paper, the research focuses on analyzing the methodology and performance of mRNA subcellular localization prediction models.




How to Cite

Kamaruddin, M. I., Hassan, R., Rayhan, N., & Mohd-Shafie, M. L. (2024). Classifying Virus Strain Using a Machine Learning Model Based on Subcellular Localization Data. International Journal of Innovative Computing, 14(1), 7–13.



Computer Science